non_profit-solutionsNON- PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS

Let Zeno and Associates help you get your Nonprofit/501 (C) (3) approved in RECORD TIME! We can get IRS approval in 60 days most cases! The typical time it takes to receive IRS approval is is 12-18 months. We have a proven track record and will walk you through the process.


We specialize in all types of charitable organizations:

  • Community Development Corporations
  • Foundations
  • Schools
  • Fraternities or Sororities
  • Group Homes
  • Revocations
  • 501 (c) (6)’s

We get your Nonprofit/501 (C) (3) done in 3 easy steps:

  1. We file the Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State
  2. We attain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS
  3. We Complete IRS form 1023 and attachments and help keep your IRS filing fees as low as possible

We get your Nonprofit paperwork turned around in 3-5 business days!

We have the EXPERTISE to get your nonprofit approved the first time!

501(c)(3) Application/Tax-Exemption

The 501(c)(3) application is a critical next step in organizing your nonprofit after your Articles of Incorporation are filed. This IRS application is needed to gain tax-exempt status for your organization, including the ability for contributors to your nonprofit to make tax-deductible donations. Zeno and Associates takes the complexity out of the paperwork. Simply answer a series of questions online. Then we will complete the application and necessary schedules for you. Get started today!

501(c)(3) Benefits Include:

  • Income earned by the organization is exempt from federal income tax
  • Ability to seek federal, state, foundation and corporate grants
  • Donations are tax deductible for donors
  • Many government agencies require nonprofit status before applying for grants
  • Property taxes are reduced or waived

Your 501(c)(3) includes:

  • Name availability check
  • Certificate of formation
  • Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN)
  • Personalized bylaws and conflict of interest policy
  • Federal tax-exemption
  • Expedite Request (when needed)